Becoming a Unicorn
A definition of a Unicorn in the dictionary is “something that is highly desirable but difficult to find or obtain”
To me becoming a unicorn is the embodiment of self… the co-creation and transformation from a drone like state to an awakened… self-aware authentic being… living with self-empowerment and in personal truth…
So how do we get there? Great question… and that is what you have to discover for yourself as an individual… by taking full responsibility for yourself.. your life choices and your actions for better or for worse with the knowledge that all is good along this journey and it is the path of learning and self actualisation…
I hope and trust that this narrative will inspire all those that read it or hear about it in some small way to open up and start to trust themselves and question all of their beliefs and knowledge to filter out what is truly theirs and what the truly feel aligned with…
I can only share my narrative and experience which some will relate too and others not.
So where to begin?
Like with everyone it begins with our earliest memories and feeling so we will start from there…
Out of the many many recollections of my childhood I remember that I was mostly connected to fear energies and being highly aware and attuned to any form of danger…
This was learnt and used as a strategy to keep me safe… I believe I learnt this or inherited the fear and being on edge from my mother… who (forgive me ma) is very fearful… superstitious (which she might not admit) and judgemental…
Case and point for me was at the age of 7 years, I was placed in a boarding school… and before bed, we should have some hot chocolate in matrons room… one day I remember sitting on the carpet with my hot chocolate and listening to the other boys talk and one boy said that “he was going to press the red button!” And this triggered in me such a deep sense of dread and fear of the likes I have never experienced before or quite like since…
It was 1977 and pushing the red button alluded to starting a nuclear war …. which horrified me and I really did not understand what that was…
Still today I can picture the scene in my minds eye and not feel the terror but can trace back my life choices and strategies back to that point and earlier… through my practice of self-awareness… unpacking the triggers in my life… the roots of the fears as well as the beliefs… perceptions and judgments I have/had… and examining my values…
You can call this process or path the deconstruction phase…
A good metaphor would be reconditioning a car engine or car… seeing what works and what is broken… what can be salvaged… stripping it down… cleaning it… conditioning it… replacing damaged parts and putting it back together tenderly with love and care… all the while affirming that all is well… I am loved… and I am a magnificent being deserving of all the joy… love and happiness that life has to offer…
You could undertake this journey on your own as I started to and then reach out to people that resonate or who you feel can help abs start to move and grow…
Here… before anything I would like to highlight that in this process we must accept and acknowledge that we have to face a phase which I call “the dark night of the soul” which will most lightly repeat itself a few times or many times… BUT, and I cannot stress this point enough the process of becoming truly authentic and self empowered requires you to explore the darkness and exploring that side…
Acknowledging and accepting that you have darkness and a dark side will allow you to process all that must change or heal in order for you to become a unicorn…. your true authentic self!
Many folk on this journey regret or refuse to acknowledge this process… I did and I had a similar feeling and emotion when my late wife took me to a talk or workshop that explores the shadow side… I was terrified in what lay there and refused go there until much later…
By not dipping my feet into the warm warm waters of the shadow side or sub-conscious… I was really playing with the surface of my desired journey to become truly authentic and empowered…
It was not until a few years later when I was able to accept that I must explore my shadow side and sub-conscious mind when it was presented to me as a “resource”… a thing of value or tool which I could tap into and effect major magic and transformation in my own life and in my own work as an Intuitive and Healer….
What an “ah-ha” moment… wow… how did I not see this before? How much time had I wasted scratching on the surface?
Well I dove into the shadow with the courage of a lion and the intention of a manic adventurer in search of the ‘holy grail’… which in this case was becoming whole again and becoming me… my true authentic self…
Still even at that time I thought that there was a magic pill and “WHAM” I would arrive at the destination and all would be well…
Since then and along my journey I slowly started to realise that it is a journey and destinations are layovers or camp sights that are visited and enjoyed and celebrated for a time before moving on…
Holding onto a destination achieved… line a goal realised will in time turn into an anchor or void which can if not recognised and reviewed do untold harm to you and your life… so by examining your goals dreams and desires regularly… tweaking them or shelving them and replacing them with new goals dreams and desires you can move and flow on your journey to ever greater states of awakening, awareness and success…
By leaving these achievements alone , they will get dusty and create ever increasing experiences of negativity and potentially conflict and before you know it you feel stuck, lost, overwhelmed with your life and experiences…
Let me give you an example from my life…
I visualised that I wanted a wife, children, home and I could take my kids to school and be with them often unlike my childhood experience with my father…
Once I had achieved that… I did not re-examine it regularly to see what it felt like or looked like or what could I tweak or change…
This slowly became a stone weight around my neck and soon manifested into conflict and arguments with my wife…
Because as I realise now… I did not know “who I was”… “what I want” and “where I am going”…. not on a deeper and more meaningful level!